
Glorious Grace!
January 6, 2016, 3:31 am
Filed under: Searching for our Savior in His book | Tags: , , ,

“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.” When Paul wrote this verse to the Ephesians, he must have left tears upon the pages. The very thought that this terrorist of the early church as well as the person who took up the battle to fight against Christ as He built His church was “accepted in the beloved” must have overwhelmed the Apostle Paul. He had done so much against what Jesus wanted and was responsible for the murder of so many of the early followers of Christ must have felt there was no way that God could love him. After all, he had done so much WRONG that he couldn’t conceive of a love and grace greater than his sin. Yet, here he was, being used of God to establish churches, and to share the revelation that was so important to this new baby church. He was unworthy, but that didn’t matter because he was accepted IN THE BELOVED. It wasn’t about his righteousness or his worth, but was totally based on who Jesus was and what Jesus did. It makes sense that he was full of praise to the glory of God’s GRACE! Grace that is greater than our failures and our faults and our flaws. Have you ever felt like you’ve blown it? Ever feel like you have sinned so bad that there is no way that God could forgive you? You go to God, broken, empty, and without anything but failure to offer. And He picks you up, lifts up your head, and tells you “You are accepted in the beloved”! That amazing grace, abundant grace, overflowing grace! Grace that magnifies the awesomeness of God because it is His Grace. In fact He is Grace! Come back to Him and experience His GRACE right now!
Jesus, my strength when I am weak

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