
Following Jesus, Filled by the Holy Spirit and Me!

Based on Romans 12:9-21 here is a self-test on the marks of a true Christian. Here is what God tells us we should see as we reflect being in Christ and having the Holy Spirit in control of us:
1. Love others sincerely.
2. Hate evil and hold on to what is good.
3. Love (or be devoted to) other Christians like we are a family.
4. Give others more honor than I want for me
5. Work hard in serving the Lord with all my heart.
6. Be joyful
7. Endure through troubles
8. Pray at all times faithfully.
9. Welcome strangers in need and be eager to show hospitality.
10. Wish good upon those who have hurt me
11. Be happy with those who are happy and cry with those who cry.
12. Determine to live in peace with others.
13. Don’t be proud of who I think I am and make friends with those who seem unimportant.
14. Be willing to do the unimportant things.
15. Do think that I am smarter or wiser than others.
16. Don’t look for ways to pay back those who do wrong to me.
17. Be honorable and do what is right
18. Don’t punish those who have hurt me but trust God to make things right.
19. Help those who have harmed me when I have the opportunity and means to do it.
20. Don’t be defeated by evil but conquer evil with good acts.
This is not a checklist used to judge others. It is a passage from a letter to Roman Christians who have been urged to be the living sacrifices who follow Jesus. Paul is describing what it will look like when I am following Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform me from within. These actions aren’t normal and natural for me but are the result of a life devoted to Christ. Be real, authentic and reflect Jesus to a world that desperately needs Him.